We started off January with me being 8 months pregnant and ready to have a baby!
Before the baby came, Marcus and I were able to go to the Provo City Center Temple Open House with Brittany. I remember going to several Stake Conferences there when it was the tabernacle. Then the Tabernacle burnt down in December of 2010 and I could see the flames from my apartment. I love that it's been turned into a temple and it is so gorgeous!
9 months pregnant and ready for baby boy to come!
Thomas Lee Gilson was born on January 30, 2016 at 2:05am weighing 7lbs 4oz and 19.5 inches long.
We got to the hospital around 11:30am on Friday the 29th. I was having regular contractions and had been at 3cm since 36 weeks, but they weren't sure I was really in labor so they had us hang out for a couple hours and see if I was progressing. I progressed almost a cm in a couple hours and I had a breakdown to the nurse about them sending me home. So they took pity on me and since I was almost at 4cm, they let me stay. I continued to have regular contractions all afternoon but didn't really dilate or anything. It was so frustrating. My doctor came by and broke my water around 5:50pm. I had decided to go natural with Thomas like I did when I had Claire. After they broke my water when I was in labor with Claire, my body picked up and I had her a few hours later. Not the case with Thomas! After my doctor broke my water, my body stopped contracting. We waited a couple more hours hoping they'd pick back up but they never did. So the doctor and nurse decided they needed to give me pitocin around 7:45 to get my contractions moving again. Around 9 my contractions started getting stronger and really painful and I just kept hoping it was almost over. As time went on, the contractions were getting more painful and I was getting so tired. I never yelled or really made any noise during Claire's labor but I was screaming through my contractions with Thomas. The contractions were mostly hurting in my lower back and it was really bad. I had worked it out with my doctor to be able to labor in the tub but since I had to be given pitocin, I couldn't be in the tub. Brittany and Marcus were there with me the whole time and were a great support. They would push on my legs and back during my contractions and give me leg massages in between. Finally, I was at 10cm and was able to push. I pushed for about 20-30 minutes and Thomas was born! And as they always are, he was worth the wait and the pain. :)

Thomas had a hard time getting rid of his jaundice even though he's always been a great eater. He had to spend a couple days in the bilibed to bring his numbers down. |
He older brother and sister love him so much and are so good with him.
(When Claire isn't accidentally smothering him with all her love.)
We sure love you Thomas and are so glad you're in our family!