Friday, March 26, 2010

"Just climb up your ladder; I'll throw down my rope."

I was blog-hopping and came across this poem. I really liked it and so I decided to share.


I had been in that hole for a very long time
In the dark and the damp, in the cold and the slime.
The shaft was above me; I could see it quite clear
But there's no way I ever could reach it from here.
Nor could I remember the world way up there
So I lost all my hope and gave in to despair.
I knew nothing but darkness, the floor, and the walls
Then off in the distance I heard someone call:
"Get up! Get ready! There's nothing the matter.
Take rocks and old sticks and build up a fine ladder."

This had never occurred to me-- had not crossed my mind.
But I started to stack all the stones I could find.
When I ran out of stones, then old sticks were my goal,
For one way or another I'd get out of that hole.
So I soon had a ladder that was sturdy and tall
And I thought, "I'll soon leave this place once and for all."
I climbed up my ladder. It was no easy chore,
For from lifting those boulders, my shoulders were sore.
I climbed on up the ladder, but soon had to stop
For my ladder stopped short-- some ten feet from the top.

I climbed back down my ladder and started to cry
I'd done all I could do. I gave my best try.
And in spite of my work, in this hole I must die.
And all I could do was to sit and think, "Why?"
Was my ladder too short? Or my hole much too deep
Then from way upon high came a voice, "Do not weep."
And then faith, hope, and love entered into my chest
As the voice said to me that I'd done my best.

He said, "You've worked very hard, and your labor's been rough,
But the ladder you've built is at last tall enough.
Do not despair. You have reason to hope.
Just climb up your ladder; I'll throw down my rope."
I climbed up the ladder, then climbed up the cord.
When I got to the top, there stood the Lord.
I couldn't be happier; my struggle was done.
I blinked in the brightness that came from the Son.

I fell to the ground, His feet did I kiss
I cried, "What can I do to repay thee for this?"
Then He looked all about Him. There were holes in the ground
They had people inside, and were seen all around
There were thousands of holes that were damp, dark, and deep
The the Lord turned to me and He said, "Feed my sheep."

Then He went on His way to help other lost souls,
And I got right to work, calling down to the holes:
"Get up! Get ready! There's nothing the matter.
Take rocks and old sticks and build up a fine ladder."

It now was my turn to spread the good word.
The most glorious message that man ever heard.
That there's one who is willing to save one and all
And we've got to be ready when He gives the call.
He'll pull us all out of the hole that we're in
And save all our souls from death and from sin.
So do not lose faith; there is reason to hope
Just build up your ladder; He'll throw down His rope.

~Scott Lewis and elders from his mission


  1. Thanx soI much for sharing this beautiful poem. I once heard it in church one day and I've been looking all over the Internet for it ever since. You've truly done me a tremendous favor and I thank you for it :)

  2. I heard this 10 years ago in church as a 17 year old girl. It changed my view of the Savior and I had a copy of it for a short time after that sunday but soon lost it. I've never stopped thinking of it and haven't been able to find it until now. Thank you so much for sharing the beauty and simplicity of this poem and the truth and light it brings.

  3. This is the most amazing poem I have ever heard in my life 😊💜


  5. Thank for this poem I have been in need a very long time. I shall build my ladder and not despair for god is there waiting for me. God bless you and your message.

  6. love this poem can you send it to me

  7. Best friend only father and father
    Best helper only God
    The best of love, the love of the child

  8. I recently heard this poem when I was at camp as a young women leader one of the other leaders shared it, and I usually don't cry but this poem made me see how we sometimes are really down and stuck that we need God and he'll be there by our side no matter what we just have to built that ladder and of course he'll be there for pulling us out. And it never occurred to me like that, and how many times I've ben down and he's ben there for me. Anyway I just want to say thank you so much for writing and sharing this poem with the world!!!!
